A Man of No Importance by SpeakEasy Stage Company
Join fellow postdocs to a local theatre production based on the 1994 Albert Finney film, A Man of No Importance. It tells the story of an amateur theatre group in Dublin and their leader, who is determined to stage a version of Salome at his church, despite the objections of church authorities. Read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Man_of_No_Importance_(musical).
- Date and time: Friday, March 14th, 7:30pm – 9:30pm
- Sign up at: https://forms.gle/6uGj8aoyEFep83nQ6
We can only sponsor 10 people – you are welcome to purchase your own tickets and join!
We welcome suggestions for postdoc group outing events. Please reach out to PDA Community Building Committee Co-chairs Juan and Yiqiao at pda-community@mit.edu.