Hi all,

Just 5 days left until the April 15th deadline to apply for a travel award to attend the SACNAS meeting in Los Angeles this October! The deadline to submit a scientific presentation abstract is the same day, so make sure you submit all your materials in time. Even as a postdoc, you can apply for a travel award (high success rate!) without having to pay the registration fee, though to submit an abstract you would need to pre-register for the conference.
It only takes a few minutes, and is well-worth the effort to attend the conference. There are countless networking opportunities for academic and industry positions for postdocs who are nearing the end of their appointment. See the Guide for applying to the SACNAS national conference for guidelines and links to all the application materials.

Markita del Carpio Landry, Ph.D.

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
markita@mit.eduPersonal Website