Hi Postdocs!
We remind you that the PDA is organizing the 4th edition of the event: MIT Postdocs Share Their Science that will be held on March 24th, from 1 to 4pm at Morse Hall (Walker Memorial, 50-140).
This event allows Postdocs from all fields at MIT to share their research with all the MIT community by presenting posters. No selection is applied, so by submitting an abstract you are sure to present your poster!!
This event is open to all the MIT community and is also combined with a vendors fair, where you can meet and discuss with representatives from your favorite companies.
***Exciting prizes will be awarded to the 3 best posters of the session***
1st prize: Lenovo Yoga tablet 2
2nd prize: $100 Amazon gift card
3rd prize: $50 Amazon gift card
To have the chance to present a poster during this event, please submit an abstract via https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1mTmZGSz_49Ysb8VJfGxqKt5ofT6C6OQxNg4rZHRwvoE/viewform before the 17th of March. This is just a registration, which means your poster is directly accepted.
For those who have already submit their abstract, no need to fill the new form.
Do not miss the opportunity to share your research with all and win amazing prices!

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