April 28, 2015
Creating Effective CVs for the Academic Job Search (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required)
Location: 3-333
Time: 3:00pm –4:00pm
April 29, 2015
Make the Leap from Academia into a Consulting Career (organized by Consulting Club at MIT, registration required)
Location: 1-190
Time: 5:30pm
April 30, 2015
Postdoc 2.0: Exciting Careers in Emerging Companies (organized by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Polaris Partners, registration required)
Location: 76-156
Time: 3:00pm –6:00pm
Cultivating Productive Relationships at Work (organized by the MIT Alumni Association, registration required)
Location: 56-114
Time: 6:00pm –7:00pm
Please contact our Corresponding Secretary Magali Gauthier (mgauthie@mit.edu) to add new events to this list