April 20, 2016


The Basics of Spending and Saving: Money Management for Your Lifestyle (sponsored by MIT Work-Life Center)

Time: 12:00-1:00pm

Location: E19-603

Register here


Introduction to Citation Management Tools (organized by MIT Libraries)

Time: 5:00-6:00pm

Location: Online

Please register with the session number 640 277 856



April 21, 2016


Introduction to Python for GIS (organized by MIT Libraries)          two sessions

Time: 2:00-5:00pm

Location: 14N-132

Register here


BPDA Science Pint Night (organized by Boston PDA)

Time: 6:30-8:00pm

Location: Rattlesnake Bar and Grill (384 Boylston Street, Boston)


Sports & Pizza Thursdays (organized by MIT PDA)

Time: 6:00-7:00pm Soccer, 7:30pm Pizza

Location: MAC Court (3rd Floor of Zesiger Center, W35-375), Muddy Charles Pub (Building 50)

Register for Pizza at Muddy’s here



April 22, 2016


Introduction to Python for GIS (organized by MIT Libraries)

Time: 2:00-5:00pm

Location: 14N-132

Register here


Exploring Career Options in STEM: Speed Networking Event (organized by Mass AWIS* and Cambridge Science Festival)

Time: 5:45-9:00pm

Location: MIT Building 46, 3rd Floor Atrium

Register: www.massawis.org/AltCareersSpeedNetworking2016



April 23, 2016


Boston Postdoc Takeover & BPDA Website Launch Party at Royale

Time: 10pm – 2am

Location: Royale Boston (279 Tremont St, Boston)

How to join this party:
1. Let BPDA know that you are coming by filling out this registration: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BXJ5S5L
2. Print free tickets here (note: you will have to pay $15 cover if you arrive after 11:00 pm):https://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/mobile/index/1156551?utm_medium=bks
3. If asked at the door, tell them you there for the Postdoc night! Please bring your 21+ ID and your MIT ID.



Please contact our Corresponding Secretary Kathrin Graetz (graetz@mit.edu) to add new events to this list

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