Negotiations in the Workplace (sponsored by MIT Work-Life Center)
Like many young professionals, you know that you need to be a successful negotiator to further your career goals, and would like to develop your skills in this area. In this workshop, you will be introduced to the core concepts of negotiation which will help you become a more effective self-advocate.
Date and Time: Tuesday, May 10th, 12:00-1:00pm
Location: E19-306
Register here
Brown Bag: The Visual Component: More Than Pretty Pictures (hosted by the Program on Information Science) New
Join the Program on Information Science for our May Brown Bag with Felice Frankel, research scientist in the Center for Materials Science and Engineering here at MIT. She will discuss visual representation of all kinds as it becomes more important in our ever growing image-based society, especially in science and technology, and how there has been little emphasis on developing standards in creating or critiquing those representations.
Frankel will consider images as more than tangential components of information, discuss ways to seamlessly search for accurate and honest depictions of complex scientific phenomena, show her own process of making visual representations in sciences and engineering, and make the case that representations are just as “intellectual” as text.
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 11th, 12:00-1:00pm
Location: E25-401
More information here
4th Annual Multicultural Awards Banquet (sponsored by MIT OMP and ICEO) New See Flyer below
Every year students and student organizations create programs and events that promote diversity and inclusion, community, and an overall more enjoyable campus at MIT. The Office of Multicultural Programs (OMP) and the Institute Community and Equity Office (ICEO) would like to take a moment to recognize your efforts this year at the upcoming 4th Annual Multicultural Awards Banquet.
Date and Time: Wednesday, May 11th, 4:00-6:00pm
Location: W20-202 (La Sala de Puerto Rico, Student Center)
Register here
How to Fix Almost Anything in Your Home (sponsored by MIT Work-Life Center)
This seminar will help you learn the basics of maintaining your home—patching walls, fixing leaks, repairing, and more. You will learn about the essential systems in your home, from basement to roof, and about the tools you need to keep your home in good working order. You also will learn how to spot and anticipate problems before they become emergencies, when to attempt to fix it yourself, and when to call a professional. Homeowners, homeowners-to-be, and renters are all welcome.
Date and Time: Thursday, May 12th, 12:00-1:30pm
Location: 76-156
Register here
Sports & Pizza Thursday – Outdoor
PDA weekly sports event continues with 2 games this week! And we are moving outdoors so let’s hope for great weather this Thursday. Join us for a friendly game of volleyball and/or soccer followed by pizza at Muddy’s. Please, bring a valid ID and RSVP so we can order enough pizza
Date, Time and Location: Thursday, May 12th
Sand volleyball: 5:30 – 7:30 pm, sand pit between Buildings 62 and 64 (
Outdoor soccer: 7:30 – 9 pm, Briggs Field (
Pizza at Muddy’s: 9 – 10 pm MIT Building 50, 142 Memorial Drive, Cambridge (
Register for Pizza at Muddy’s here
For all questions regarding the events, email the Sports Committee of PDA at