Thank you for voting in the MIT-PDA elections and choosing your leadership team for the 2020-2021 term.
The PDA’s motto is to advocate for all postdocs and help them navigate life at MIT.
So, please reach out and get involved!
Elected officers for the new term:
President: Tansu Daylan
Vice-President: Eva Maria Lopez Vidal
Treasurer: Christopher W Kinsley
Corresponding Secretary: Ahmed Alade Tiamiyu
Recording Secretary: Nouf Almousa
Advocacy Chair: Camille Bilodeau
Professional Development Chair: Garima Dwivedi
Community Building Chair: Moustafa Ali
Alumni Chair: Maria Kanelli
Orientation Chair: Maha Haji
Fundraising Chair: Omar Costilla-Reyes
Human Affairs/DEI Chair: Kyle Diederichsen