Otamatone Zoom session
Could you have been stressed out over this “crazy” year and you are looking for any bit of fun during this holiday period? We recently came across this instrument known as the Otamatone (https:// otamatone.com) which looks really fun [here is a video of people playing it as a form of stress relief (https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=ScM9_C029xM)] and we think you can agree that for this stressful year, the more laughter, the better.
We are intending to get 14 interested participants who wish to learn a new and fun instrument to join us in an Otamatone Zoom session as we learn a new skill while having fun! Since its almost Christmas season, we can teach each other caroling songs over Zoom and basically just for general stress relief. The best thing will be getting your own Otamatone FOR FREE (costing ~$30) kindly reimbursed by the MIT PDA! This is a great opportunity to make some new friends AND keep a free instrument, all while picking up a new skill. Interested participants must also be willing to join Zoom sessions (~1-1.5hr) twice a month and we will be selecting participants based on first-come-first-served basis, so do sign up NOW! Please email jacqtsj@mit.edu if interested.
We are intending to get 14 interested participants who wish to learn a new and fun instrument to join us in an Otamatone Zoom session as we learn a new skill while having fun! Since its almost Christmas season, we can teach each other caroling songs over Zoom and basically just for general stress relief. The best thing will be getting your own Otamatone FOR FREE (costing ~$30) kindly reimbursed by the MIT PDA! This is a great opportunity to make some new friends AND keep a free instrument, all while picking up a new skill. Interested participants must also be willing to join Zoom sessions (~1-1.5hr) twice a month and we will be selecting participants based on first-come-first-served basis, so do sign up NOW! Please email jacqtsj@mit.edu if interested.