Navigating science career journeys with LEAdership and Professional Strategies & Skills Training
Spring 2021 courses
Open to all Graduate Students and Postdocs at MIT, particularly for School of Science members
8.S396 & 8.S397 (listed as “Special Subject: Physics” — long story, weird name, but it’s LEAPS!)
8.S396 for Part I — Sharpen Your Professional Strategies & Skills (from Feb 16 to Apr 1, 2021)
8.S397 for Part II — Developing Your Leadership Competencies (from Apr 6 to May 20, 2021)
Grad students: Register for the courses as for any other of your courses
Postdocs: Register by filling in this form:
In Spring 2020, a new course on leadership and professional strategies and skills was offered for the first time at MIT in the School of Science. In the past the SoS did not offer any such opportunity but it has been recognized that such training is vital for advancing graduate student and postdoc careers in academia and industry. A large variety of topics useful for all career choices together with interactive components and discussions are covered in this two-part course which will be offered again (online) in Spring 2021.
For more information, please see
Or connect with the instructors