Dear MIT postdocs
Thank you all for voting during the 2024/2025 MIT PDA officer elections!
We are happy to announce the new cohort of elected PDA officers for the coming year who will be taking over on September 1st, 2024.
Election results:
- President: Bettina Schmerl
- Vice-President: Ishaq Khan
- Recording Secretary: Winald Kitzmann
- Corresponding Secretary: Danlei Chen
- Human Affairs/DEI Chair: Bensu Manav
- Advocacy Committee Chair: Amy Lee
- Orientation Committee Chair: Ziling Chen
- Professional Development Chair: Expery Omollo
- Sports Committee Chair: Fabian Moeller
- Alumni Committee Chair: Danielle Coogan
- Community Building Committee Chair: Juan Felipe Torres Gonzales
- IT & Information Committee Chair: David Rohrbach
We look forward to the initiatives, connections, and events this new cohort will be pursuing. We are confident that they will advocate on behalf of all postdocs at MIT, create opportunities for postdocs to find their communities as well as advance their careers.
If you know any of these new officers, kindly congratulate them. Also, stay involved and in touch by attending the PDA general meetings. Watch out for the general meeting reminders via the newsletter and the slack channel.
Cheers to a great academic year ahead!
Best wishes,
Your current PDA officers