Dear Postdoctoral community,
On behalf of the MIT Postdoctoral Association, we would like to announce a success in our attempts to assure minimal salary levels and annual salary increases and to equalize healthcare costs between postdoctoral fellows and postdoctoral associates.
The Office of the Vice President for Research has recently communicated updated guidelines, advising Deans and assistant Deans to assure the minimum salary for postdocs (using the NIH salary scale) and asking that the increased healthcare fee for postdoctoral fellows be covered by PIs or departments, if the institutional allowance on the fellowship does not cover the difference in the contribution. (Please see for details.)
We are very grateful to the Office of the Vice President for Research for this, in particular Vice President for Research, Maria T. Zuber, as well as Charlene Placido and Dana Bresee Keeth. We would also like to thank Associate Dean Hazel Sive.
The PDA is involved in advocating post-doctoral concerns, creating a post-doctoral community, and facilitating the transition from post-doctoral research positions into various career paths.
If you are interested in joining us, check out our website
On behalf of the Postdoctoral Association (PDA),
Eveline Geiser, Chair, PDA Advocacy Committee