Spring is here and we have great sports events coming up. All postdocs of all skill levels are invited. NO GYM MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED! If you don’t enjoy sports, join us for the after-game food, drinks and fun.
IMPORTANT: Please bring your MIT ID. To enter the MIT Rec Center, inform the staff that you are a postdoc attending the scheduled PDA event. The entrance is free only during our events. The MAC Court is difficult to find for the first time, so come on time.
SPORTS & PIZZA THURSDAYS (starting March 31st, 2016):
We are kicking off a new weekly event that will keep you moving. Join us for a friendly sports game followed by pizza at Muddy’s. We ensured free access to the MIT Rec Center for postdocs during our events. This week we are playing indoor soccer, but sports will change based on your feedback. Recover, recharge and socialize after the games at Muddy’s pub. Free, hot pizza will be served and drinks are available for purchase with a valid ID. Please, RSVP so we can order enough pizza (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pwGZBXuPhj9_aMDzhC46fHrsYJhW6v-f2R0B4jcCC20/edit?usp=drive_web ).
Thursday, March 31st, 2016
6-7:00 pm soccer at MAC Court (3rd floor of Zesiger Center, Building W35-375)
7:30 pm pizza at Muddy’s (Muddy Charles Pub, MIT Building 50, 142 Memorial Drive)
Cost: FREE gym access and pizza
VOLLEYBALL MONDAY (March 28th, 2016)
While we wait for nice sunny weather for our outdoor volleyball games, we booked a couple of time slots at the Rec for indoor volleyball. Stop by for a casual and friendly volleyball game. Again, NO membership required. Just show up and have fun!
Monday, March 28th, 2016
6:30-8:00 pm Volleyball at MAC Court (3rd floor of Zesiger Center, Building W35-375)
For all questions regarding the events, email the Sports Committee of PDA at jelenas@mit.edu