MICRO RITMIA (Tuesday, November 15)

The band MICRO RITMIA from Mexico is in town and we could convince them to play an exclusive show at MIT. Ernesto and his band will perform their music in the Gillian Auditorium (66-110) and will mesmerize you with their high speed percussions, their multi rhythmic guitar and bass lines, and their custom made instruments….

Postdoc Coffee Hour (Thursday, October 27)

Do you have questions about life as a PD at MIT? Would you like to meet other PDs over a cup of coffee? Would you like to learn more about what the PDA can do for you? If so, please join us for the monthly postdoc coffee hour! We will have fresh coffee, fruit, and…

Halloween Bash 2.0 (Thursday, October 27)

MIT Postdoctoral Association in collaboration with the Boston Postdoctoral Association are happy to announce the second annual Halloween Bash. It will be held at North Star (222, Friend Street, Boston) on Thursday, October 27th from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. It is a free event but you need to register beforehand (use the link below)….

Postdoc Coffee Hour (Thursday, September 29)

Do you have questions about life as a PD at MIT? Would you like to meet other PDs over a cup of coffee? Would you like to learn more about what the PDA can do for you? If so, please join us for the monthly postdoc coffee hour! Date and Time: Thursday, September 29th, 4-5:30…

Results of PDA General Election

The new board! Now you know who to chat up with your ideas and questions in the hallway! Second Row (from the left): Phalgun Lolur, Kate Dupont, Meghan Huber, Haomiao Zhang, Augusto Tentori (New President), Kathrin Graetz, Ahmed Fazly, Thomas Matarazzo First Row: Kiel Ormerod, Jake Martin, Elizabeth Stewart, Yogesh Dayma   President – Augusto…

Postdoc Coffee Hour (Thursday, August 25)

Postdoc Coffee Hour Do you have questions about life as a postdoc at MIT?  Would you like to meet other postdocs over a cup of coffee? Would you like to learn more about what the PDA can do for you? If so, please join us for the monthly postdoc coffee hour! Date and Time: Thursday,…

Update of Postdoc BBQ

Hi Postdocs! For those of you who already RSVPed to MIT PDA annual BBQ, according to weather forecasts, Friday, 08/12 is going to be too hot with chance of thunderstorms. We are still on our BBQ plan on Friday August 12th 5:00-8:00pm, but we will enjoy it as an indoor event in Morss Hall, Walker…

MIT Postdoc Association – General Elections 2016-17

I would like to invite you all to the MIT Postdoctoral Association (PDA) General Elections 2016-2017. General elections will be held on Friday September 16, 2016 from 12-2 pm in E25-401. Lunch will be served. Nominations are now open for: PDA Board of Directors President  Vice President  Corresponding Secretary  Recording Secretary  Treasurer    PDA Committee Chairs Advocacy…

Postdoc BBQ

Our annual Postdoc BBQ is upcoming! Please join us at the Kresge BBQ pits on Friday, Aug. 12, from 5-8pm for food and fun, meeting postdocs from around the campus and seeing old friends. The PDA will be providing the main course (veggie and non-veggie) and drinks. Please use this link to RSVP. Thank you to all the postdocs that have…

This week at MIT (July 25-31)

Postdoc Coffee Hour Do you have questions about life as a PD at MIT?  Would you like to meet other PDs over a cup of coffee? Would you like to learn more about what the PDA can do for you?   If so, please join us for the monthly postdoc coffee hour! Date and Time:…