Buddy Program reopening

Dear MIT postdocs, It is our pleasure to announce the reopening of the Buddy Program. This initiative is designed to connect postdocs with colleagues outside of their immediate academic circle to help them build a supportive community. Sign up by completing the registration form (https://forms.gle/4zBbQ52jfGL7wyC28) and we will match you with 2 or 3 other postdocs at…

Introducing the MIT PDA elected cohort for the 2024/25 academic year

Dear MIT postdocs Thank you all for voting during the 2024/2025 MIT PDA officer elections!  We are happy to announce the new cohort of elected PDA officers for the coming year who will be taking over on September 1st, 2024.  Election results: We look forward to the initiatives, connections, and events this new cohort will…

It is time to vote! PDA-Elections are open

PDA-officer elections are open! Exercise your rights as an MIT postdoc and vote to elect your fellow postdocs into the MIT Postdoctoral Association (PDA) leadership positions. All nominees have shown interest in the PDA and have elected to run for one or two official positions. Go to the election portal, read their statements to know more…


Please join us to meet the final candidates for the Postdoc Career Advising position in Career Advising and Professional Development (CAPD). This role serves the postdoc community with seminars, workshops and individual advising to advance your career. Candidate visits will take place next Tuesday (July 16) and Thursday (July 18), and each day there will be a lunch organized…

PDA Election

PDA elections are here! If you are interested in taking on a leadership positions, relating with institute administration and making changes happen for all postdocs, then this is an opportunity for you. Please use the form below to self-nominate yourself for a position you are interested in. PDA 2024/25 Elections: Self-nomination form The MIT Postdoctoral…

From Academia to Industry: Career Advice from MIT Industry Careers Panel

reposted from https://ericmjl.github.io/blog/2024/3/9/industry-career-panel-for-phd-students-and-post-docs-at-mit/ written by Eric J. Ma on 2024-03-09 On 6 March 2024, I was a panelist at a career panel hosted by the MIT Career Advising & Professional Development Office. Alongside me were: This was an event organized by: Shen Wang was our moderator. One question posed to us was what advice we would offer to…

What Does It Take to Successfully Advocate for Postdoctoral Scholars?

Jonathan Cottet, Lukas Schmid, and Shen Wang co-authored an article in the Postdocket (the Journal of the National Postdoc Association). The article discusses the challenges faced by postdoctoral leaders in advocating for postdoctoral scholars and presents the RIPEN framework, consisting of five criteria for successful advocacy: Recognizing allies, Identifying opportunities, Presenting data-backed solutions, Encouraging involvement…

Ice skating

Hello postdoc community of MIT, We are pleased to announce our winter season social sport activity! We have reserved the whole ice skate rink at Kendall (Location: Skate @ Canal District Kendall, 300 Athenaeum Street, Cambridge, MA, 02142) to have a fun outdoor event to relax from work. The event is scheduled for Monday, January 29th, from…

New PDA website

In December 2023, we migrated the PDA website to an MIT server and took this opportunity to restructure the content. We hope that these changes will make it easier to navigate our website and find the relevant information. If you have any suggestions for further improving the website, please contact pda-www@mit.edu….

Visa seminar

The MIT PDA organized a visa seminar on November 15, 2023. If you missed it, you can now watch the seminar here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T40BvT9WiMM. It was given by Jim Arkell of the Arkell Immigration Team of Dunn Law Firm, LLP. The Arkell Immigration Team has decades of experience in successfully applying for permanent residence (green cards) in the U.S. and…