Do you have an idea for an activity or event that you think would benefit postdocs in 2020-2021? The MIT-PDA is pleased to announce the fifth annual call for Postdoc Initiative Grant (PInG) proposals. The grant aims to financially support a range of activities, events, and projects. PInG activities should be open to all postdocs…
PDA Officers Election Results🎉
Thank you for voting in the MIT-PDA elections and choosing your leadership team for the 2020-2021 term. The PDA’s motto is to advocate for all postdocs and help them navigate life at MIT. So, please reach out and get involved! Elected officers for the new term: President: Tansu Daylan Vice-President: Eva Maria Lopez Vidal Treasurer: Christopher W Kinsley…
Boston GreenFest 2020 Virtual Business Summit (Aug 20-21)
Register here: Boston GreenFest 2020 Virtual Business Summit will be a new opportunity for all of us. It will take place on Thursday, August 20 to Friday, August 21, 2020 from 9:30 am -3:00 pm on the Whova app which you can download on your phone or tablet, or access via the computer. It will…
2nd Annual MIT A+B Applied Energy Symposium (Aug 13-14, Virtual) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Invite to attend 2nd Annual MIT A+B Applied Energy Symposium (Aug 13-14, Virtual) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2nd Annual 2020 MIT AB is around the corner (Aug 13-14, 2020). Our live keynote presentation program is available online. Please chick to review: We have 4 plenary speakers includes Dr. Marcia McNutt, President of US National Academy of Sciences, Prof….
Elections for MIT Postdoctoral Association (PDA) Officers!!! 📢📢📢
Dear MIT Postdocs, The MIT Postdoctoral Association (PDA), which represents all postdocs across MIT, is looking for a new leadership team 2020-2021, and would like to invite you to apply for the board. Nominations are open from now till 20 August, while elections will be held online from 24-28 August 2020. MIT-PDA facilitates engagement of postdocs in various institute-level matters on professional…
Apply for the 2020-2021 Invited Postdoc Research Colloquium (IPRC)
Invited Postdoc Research Colloquium (IPRC) Brandeis University Postdoctoral Association (BUPA) is proud to announce the 2020-2021 Invited Postdoc Research Colloquium (IPRC). This seminar series will run throughout the academic year and will feature talks from outstanding senior postdocs from both inside and outside Brandeis. The goal of the IPRC is to showcase the work of…
Link to June Boston Postdoctoral Association newsletter with events, opportunities, courses, resources
Virtual Gathering and Managing Your Network Panel Discussion June 16, 2020, 4:00-5:30 PM You’ll learn how to become fearless in your everyday life. Your networks, both internal and external, formal and informal, underpin a successful career strategy. Much as we might not like to admit “it’s not what you know, but who you know”,…
#ShutDownSTEM – Wednesday June 10 2020! STEM in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter
The MIT PDA stands with Black Lives Matter and all who protest against systemic and recurring acts of violence against Black people. MIT Library has collected a list of books and films about racial justice and policing, foundational reading on racism in the U.S., racial justice activism, anti-racism, examining whiteness, etc. that are available remotely…
Tips for Difficult Conversations – COVID-19
As MIT plans for increasing research operations, many people will face difficult situations in relation to returning physically to campus. The challenges may include individual health risks, access to childcare, and limited commuting options, among others. Even with measures including social distancing, use of face masks and viral testing, returning to campus may not currently…