MIT Postdocs Share Their Science Winners and Pictures

Congratulations to the winners from the Annual MIT Postdocs Share Their Science event! Dr. Gili Bisker, Corona Phase Molecular Recognition of Fibrinogen, 1st place Dr. Victor Hernandez-Gordillo, Development of an ex vivo culture system for intestinal organoids using peptide-functionalized PEG-based hydrogels,  2nd place Dr. Ruo-Qian Wang, Low-pressure and Low-cost Drip Irrigation Systems, 3rd place  …

MIT Postdocs Share Their Science!

The 5th annual MIT Postdocs Share Their Science and Vendor Fair will be held on March 2nd, from 11 – 2pm at Morss Hall (Walker Memorial, 50-140). This event allows postdocs from all fields to share their research with the MIT community by presenting posters. This event is also combined with a vendor fair, where…

MIT Postdocs Share Their Science – Full Abstracts

Persuasive Engineering: Socially Influencing Systems for Behavior Change Author: Agnis Stibe Co-authors: Affiliation: MIT Media Lab Abstract: We all are social beings by our nature for ages. Today, the physical world shrinks as information and communication technologies bring us closer together by enabling new ways for socializing. At the same time, these technologies may not…

Vendor Fair

The following vendors have participated in the MIT Postdocs Share Their Science / Vendor Fair 2015. We thank you all for your support! [table id=1 /]…