This week at MIT (Jan 25th – 31st)

      January 26, 2014 Manage your PDFs and citations: Zotero and Mendeley (organized by the MIT Libraries, registration required) Location: 14-N132 Time: 11:00am – 12:00pm Basics of Obtaining a Patent (organized by the MIT Libraries and MIT Technology Licensing Office, registration required) Location: 4-163 Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm Google Site Visit (organized by the MIT…

Featured Postdoc (Travel grant winner): Dr. Paul Brown

Dr. Paul Brown was awarded a PDA travel grant for the Jan-June 2015 cycle.             BIO: Dr. Paul Brown obtained his Msci in Chemistry from the University of Bristol, UK. After a small break he then returned to Bristol to complete his postdoctoral studies under the supervision of Prof. Julian…

Featured Postdoc (Travel grant winner): Dr. Michael J. Mitchell

Dr. Michael J. Mitchell was awarded a PDA travel grant for the Jan-June 2015 cycle.             BIO: Dr. Michael J. Mitchell obtained his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in July 2014 from Cornell University, in the laboratory of Dr. Michael R. King. His graduate work focused on the development of “Unnatural…

Featured Postdoc (Travel grant winner): Dr. Christopher Rowlands

Dr. Christopher Rowlands was awarded a PDA travel grant for the Jan-June 2015 cycle.             BIO: Dr. Christopher Rowlands received a Masters in Chemistry from Imperial College London in 2001, studying reaction optimization in microfluidic devices as a final-year project. His PhD studies were at Cambridge University in the group…

Featured Postdoc (Travel grant winner): Dr. Stefano Santaguida

Dr. Stefano Santaguida was awarded a PDA travel grant for the Jan-June 2015 cycle.             BIO: Dr. Stefano Santaguida did his PhD studies in the lab of Andrea Musacchio at the European Institute of Oncology (Milan, Italy) where he studied the molecular mechanisms underlying the proper execution of mitosis, focusing…

This week at MIT (Jan 18th – 24th)

      January 20, 2014 What are the Benefits? (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 4-257 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Making the Most of Your Presentation, featuring Jean-luc Doumont (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 10-250 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm China Study/Intern/Research Abroad Info Session (organized by the MISTI and MIT GECD)…

Postdoc Seminar Series

On Wednesday, we held our first new casual seminar series for postdocs. The three great included: A Mathematical Model of Merging Departments at MGH (David Scheinker), Theory of Mind from Videos (Tao Gao), and The Bacterial Breadboard: Engineering Cellular Responses to Metabolic Stress (Felix Moser)….

This week at MIT (Jan 11th – 17th)

      January 12, 2014 Leadership 101 (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 4-257 Time: 1:00pm – 2:00pm   January 13, 2014 Does your resume communicate the right message? (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 4-237 Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm Negotiating for women (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 4-257 Time: 4:00pm –…

This week at MIT (Jan 4th – 10th)

      January 6, 2014 Writing compelling cover letters (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 3-333 Time: 2:00pm – 3:00pm   Negociating job offers (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required) Location: 3-370 Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm   January 7, 2014 Effective Iinternship search strategies (A GECD Webinar) (organized by the MIT GECD, registration required)…