Presidential Charge to the Committee to form an MIT Innovation Initiative

SOURCE: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT – LETTERS TO THE MIT COMMUNITY Charge to the Committee to form an MIT Innovation Initiative This document lays out a vision for an Innovation Initiative at MIT and identifies components essential for its success. I ask the committee to deliver to me by January 31st, 2014, a set of…

The MIT Energy Night: the Largest MIT Energy Technology Showcase in the Fall

The MIT Energy Night is a celebration of the ingenuity, innovation, and imagination of MIT faculty, researchers, students, and alumni. Hosted annually at the MIT Museum and organized entirely by students, the MIT Energy Night features over 70 interactive poster presentations from every energy affiliated department at MIT as well as early stage start-ups based…


The Writing Center announces A POST-DOCTORAL WRITERS GROUP in 12-132 a series of five workshops on Thurs. 4-4:50; writing 5-6 PM. Topics include time management, honing writing skills, exercises, and strategies for meeting challenges. Oct. 3: Get Going: Create your Writing Zone, Writing Identity and Schedule Assess your writing habits, time/life pressures, mitigate stresses, schedule Oct….

Poster workshop – TODAY!

Dear BE grad students and post-docs, The BE Retreat is quickly approaching! We are hosting a workshop today to help you get you poster to be its best and to learn some key skills to help you make important connections during the poster session. POSTER WORKSHOP TODAY (10/1) 12:00 – 1:00 pm 16-275 Scott Olesen…

PDA 2013 elections

Thanks you to all postdocs that participated in the 2013 PDA elections. And congratulations to the new Officers and Chairs! Here are the results of the elections:  —— Officers —— President Candidate: Thomas Crouzier Thomas Crouzier elected with 15 votes (2 blanks)   Vice President Candidate: Sara Cleto Sara Cleto elected with 14 votes (1 blank)   Corresponding Secretary Candidate:…

PDA elections – TODAY!

Dear postdocs, This is a friendly reminder for the upcoming PDA elections. All postdocs are welcome to come vote! When: Thursday September 26th 12:15 – 2PM Where: W20-306 Food?: Yes! Pizza and drinks will be provided! The list of currently declared candidates can be viewed here If you wish to declare your candidacy, please fill out this form. PDA Officers positions:…